Stop the Summer Slide with Summer Reading Take-Home Packs

Summer is a critical time for literacy skills. According to James Kim, an assistant professor of education at Harvard University, “things like decoding, letter knowledge, and word reading skills are very susceptible to decay without frequent practice.” Foster equitable access to books with summer reading take-home book packs, which come with supporting worksheets for each book.

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Each Book Pack Contains:

  • Paperback books to build or expand a student's library

  • Double-sided IDEA Sheets or a journal for reflection and learning that support the texts

  • Activities that accelerate literacy and encourage family engagement

It’s Not Too Late!
Packs Are Ready to Ship – Order Today

Call 1-800-328-4929 or email to get your custom quote today.

Serving Grades PreK-8

Why Summer Reading Packs?

Small At-Home Libraries are a Start. “Even a Few Books Have a Significant Impact. Having as few as 20 books in the home still has a significant impact on propelling a child to a higher level of education, and the more books you add, the greater the benefit.” Books in the home are as important as parents’ education level. University of Nevada, Reno

From Our Participants

Hear what Dr. Dana Bedden, Superintendent in Centennial School District, has to say about the Read for a Better World summer reading program, and see his students receiving their summer reading packs!